Larson's Geraniums

Geraniums have long been one of the most popular and easy-care garden flowers. One of the lesser-known groups of geraniums (at least in America) are Alpine Cascading Geraniums. Alpines are a cross between zonal geraniums (traditional upright plants), ivy geraniums and a wild species from the African desert. The result is a cascading geranium that is able to withstand heat and still bloom like crazy!

We offer a wide variety of Alpine Geraniums because we feel that no other plant offers such a blooming mass of non-stop color. Travelers to countries like Austria, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland - where alpines have been grown for many years - are amazed by the cascades of color spilling from window boxes and balconies.

We have decided to also offer Calliope geraniums. These are not considered Alpine ivy geraniums, but have characteristics that make them unique - flower color, mounding habit, heat tolerance, and lots of flowers to name a few.

World-renowned wholesale growers Dummen and Syngenta provide our tissue - cultured, virus and bacteria-free cuttings. We grow these cuttings in a separate cell for maximum root growth and sell packs of 6 or 13 well-rooted young plants. We sell the following kinds of packs:

Small pack - 6 plants, one variety or mixed colors of one series

Large pack - 13 plants, one variety or mixed colors of one series


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